Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

A short story "You know her, yes. But not her stor

A short story "You know her, yes. But not her story.
So she stays lost, an enigma, a puzzle and a rose"

Read the caption ♥️ She was suffering from something. I say something because she had no idea what the problem was. All she knew was that her heart felt heavy and she had those bouts of sadness out of nowhere. She used to smile. She used to laugh. She used to share jokes all day. If you looked at her, you would just see a lovely girl who was full of life. But something was eating her up from the inside. She was losing a bit of herself, every day. She tried talking about it to some people. But she realized that no one would understand. So she bottled it all up inside and decided to fight a lonely battle, a battle against this invisible dark beast, maybe depression, or maybe some other black hole.

She started to cut off herself from most people. She started to reply late, not pick the calls, and just ignore people as much as she could. And this made her fight two battles at once. One, her sadness, her deep, deep sadness, and another one this accusation that she has developed this attitude and she is now ignoring people out of her arrogance and selfishness. The people whom she expected to understand her started to argue with her for more explanations, more time. She tried to please them all. But she soon realized that she can't do this anymore. So she shut everyone out and decided to become a villain in other's eyes to become her own hero to rescue herself. 

Many people called her many things. They didn't know her story, but they wrote their judgments. She was called selfish, arrogant. They even called her a bitch. And there are two ways you can deal with a heartbreak. Either you can collapse into a million pieces and cry out a river of your pain or you don't allow a single tear to fall and become too strong for the world to ever hurt you again. She tried the first option, but disappointed, she chose the second one. Yes, she became too strong for the world. She became heartless. She hid all her vulnerabilities, her scars, and her sensitive side. She wants you to know her as a girl who feels nothing. You can't harm her because she is too stone-hearted for you to ever affect her.

She knew that the people who love her won't be able to bear that loss, her loss. So she fought. And she fought it with a smile on her lips. She forced herself to be happy. She forced herself to fight. She forced herself to come out as a winner, as a hero. she fights her past and pain with a roar, a roar that hides her ache, but a roar the protects her broken heart from vultures. She is an iceberg, but with a raging fire within. She gave up almost daily. But then she got up and fought again. Nobody knew her fight outside her head. So people did not treat her any differently. But now when she looks at the mirror, there is a pride in her twinkling eyes. She sees herself with more respect. Sometimes, she feels like telling her story to someone. But then, she just hides it all with her smile. You know her, yes. But you don't know her story.
A short story "You know her, yes. But not her story.
So she stays lost, an enigma, a puzzle and a rose"

Read the caption ♥️ She was suffering from something. I say something because she had no idea what the problem was. All she knew was that her heart felt heavy and she had those bouts of sadness out of nowhere. She used to smile. She used to laugh. She used to share jokes all day. If you looked at her, you would just see a lovely girl who was full of life. But something was eating her up from the inside. She was losing a bit of herself, every day. She tried talking about it to some people. But she realized that no one would understand. So she bottled it all up inside and decided to fight a lonely battle, a battle against this invisible dark beast, maybe depression, or maybe some other black hole.

She started to cut off herself from most people. She started to reply late, not pick the calls, and just ignore people as much as she could. And this made her fight two battles at once. One, her sadness, her deep, deep sadness, and another one this accusation that she has developed this attitude and she is now ignoring people out of her arrogance and selfishness. The people whom she expected to understand her started to argue with her for more explanations, more time. She tried to please them all. But she soon realized that she can't do this anymore. So she shut everyone out and decided to become a villain in other's eyes to become her own hero to rescue herself. 

Many people called her many things. They didn't know her story, but they wrote their judgments. She was called selfish, arrogant. They even called her a bitch. And there are two ways you can deal with a heartbreak. Either you can collapse into a million pieces and cry out a river of your pain or you don't allow a single tear to fall and become too strong for the world to ever hurt you again. She tried the first option, but disappointed, she chose the second one. Yes, she became too strong for the world. She became heartless. She hid all her vulnerabilities, her scars, and her sensitive side. She wants you to know her as a girl who feels nothing. You can't harm her because she is too stone-hearted for you to ever affect her.

She knew that the people who love her won't be able to bear that loss, her loss. So she fought. And she fought it with a smile on her lips. She forced herself to be happy. She forced herself to fight. She forced herself to come out as a winner, as a hero. she fights her past and pain with a roar, a roar that hides her ache, but a roar the protects her broken heart from vultures. She is an iceberg, but with a raging fire within. She gave up almost daily. But then she got up and fought again. Nobody knew her fight outside her head. So people did not treat her any differently. But now when she looks at the mirror, there is a pride in her twinkling eyes. She sees herself with more respect. Sometimes, she feels like telling her story to someone. But then, she just hides it all with her smile. You know her, yes. But you don't know her story.