It would be impossible to imagine my life without you, You have been a pillar of strength and you are my nescafe and bru. Many a hard times i rested upon you and also fell short of money and revenue. You never winced and you never refused to help me, You stood like a rock and on your shoulders i sailed through. Whatever be the times the fights and the bashups, You guided me like a ship when I had no clue. I am happy to have a friend like you, To lift up my spirits whether I m sad or blue. Why do you stay friends with someone? Use #YouAreMyFriend and share those reasons. ___________________________ Friendship Day is around the corner and YourQuote Postman has a new challenge for you, write 7 letters to 7 different friends. For more details follow Postman. The best ones will be featured. ______________________________ #Collab Challenge #YourQuoteAndMine