She's strong but tired - Maverick ( Description in caption) She's strong but she's tired For most of my life, I’ve felt pressure to be strong for others. For my friends, for my family, for partners I’ve had – anyone. I’ve always had to be the rock they could lean on. People have always expected me to be there for them. Whenever they need help, I am the one they lean on. Empathy, advice, and reassurance are the things that people have come to know me (and in the end, rely on me) for. I’ve always felt the weight of other people’s expectations on my shoulders. I’ve carried their burdens for so long that I’ve found I’ve left nothing for myself. Nobody ever reaches out to me. Nobody makes sure that I’m okay. I have to be my own rock, as well as other people’s. People take, and they take, and they take. They use me when they need me, they thank me for being a good friend, and then they leave. I’m lucky to even have someone ask me how I am. Sometimes I think about how sad my lot in life is. I think about the fact that I am strong for others means that no one ever feels the need to be strong for me. Sometimes it makes me cry. I’m expected to be okay. I’m expected to keep my sh*t together. If I ever opened up to people about how I felt, I doubt that they’d even know what to say. It’s like people don’t even consider the fact that inside I could be anything other than perfectly fine.