Of all the nether twilights And pleasing sunrises That made thee completely mine-- Of all thy gifts of woeful gold And blazing tears, my sweet, The sole memento that I still keep Is that of your saccharine promises Of perpetual bliss. When shalt thou fulfill That brilliant covenant, I seek? For, thou art not here Beside me, dear. The glorious dove goes soaring Through the crisp zephyr of songs; The baleful crow cackles and jokes; A most painful gust of ache Devours my soul, asleep; And the leaves of the greenest hue Turn yellow, then ghastly sick. Still, thy inky shadow remains nil. For despite thy vacuous beauty, Entombed in my ertswhile brain of pea, Thou art still the beauteous angel With wings of ethereal silver; Yet, even stubborn wraiths get weary Whilst lurking in the waning moonlight Of your evanescent, fickle mist. Come back to me, my darling. Please? "Ode To Him" Of all the nether twilights And pleasing sunrises That made thee completely mine-- Of all thy gifts of woeful gold And blazing tears, my sweet, The sole memento that I still keep