In the stillness of my room, in the calm of the night. I'm being shielded by my roof, From the daunting truths of the dark time. Somewhere-not so far, as I close my eyes to sleep -to wake, to start fresh another day. Someone somewhere closes their eyes too- never to open again. As I breathe in the air, relaxing into deep involuntary breaths. Someone's struggling to breathe and Someone's trying to get them to breathe again. In the hours I visit my favourite dreamland. Someone's living their worst Nightmare. The death Carriage arrives with a Screech. You know-The person who died ain't the only thing it takes with it. The family's wishes and dreams scatter, Even more, if the carriage arrives at their door repetitively- Like a mad bull hungry for victory. Numbers to names - it didn't take long For Covid to devastate an entire family. I ponder over it though, Was it only the virus at play or the outcome of failed humanity ? ©Ashis Das Finally got this poem down, always wanted to write a poem on current scenario, but that time deaths were just numbers not names ! And today we are living in a tough circumambient from where it's challenging for us to get over it... #covidindia #covid19 #COVIDSecondWave #Death #covidpoetry #poem #ashisdas #ashisdasnojoto #ashisdaspoem #darkness