Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Stupid and outdated experienced and wise OPEN

Stupid and outdated

experienced and wise OPEN FOR COLLAB✨ #ATeldersdual • A Dual Challenge by Aesthetic Thoughts! ♥️

It's World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 
So, collab by showing some love towards the elder people.✨ 

• Must use hashtag:  #aestheticthoughts 

• Please maintain the aesthetics.
Stupid and outdated

experienced and wise OPEN FOR COLLAB✨ #ATeldersdual • A Dual Challenge by Aesthetic Thoughts! ♥️

It's World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 
So, collab by showing some love towards the elder people.✨ 

• Must use hashtag:  #aestheticthoughts 

• Please maintain the aesthetics.

Durga Kannan

New Creator