#don't_know_about Don't know about the peace of mind But money in the pocket definitely relaxes you ~money Don't know the difference between the scholars and the illiterate But some mysterious problems can make you superstitious ~superstitious Don't know about miracles do really happen or not But doing your bit selflessly acts as seeds which fruits later ~miracles Don't know about the dharma and the adharma But doing what's right matters the most~deeds Don't know about give and take policy But living selfless and independent life is all you can gift thyself ~self dependency Don't know about any suitable time of life to become successful But the moment you realise your worth makes you more deserving ~time Don't know about luck fate and irony But undoubtedly our karma paves way for our destiny-karma Don't know about leaving matters in the hands of god But bearing & fulfilling the part of your responsibilities towards society,family and self makes you more human ~humanity ©Puja Shaw #nojotoenglish #Life #Poetry #karma #money #deeds #superstitious #god #humanity #Cassette