White I would just cry Like out of nowhere I would just breakdown and cry There was no one really had to Say anything to me Or i didn't necessarily have to be In a specific place I would be in this room and suddenly Feel like I need to cry and express myself And then there were days When I just didn't want to get out from bed I would just want to and not wake up Because to me felt like my escape And I felt like I didn't have to deal With the reality of what I was experiencing I didn't want to eat I didn't want to interact with anybody I lost motivation with absolutely everything The toughest part in the journey for me Was not understanding what I was feeling Or not understanding what I was experiencing Not being able to explain to people What it is that I am feeling and i think that's when I understood that in the same way That we take care of our physical health It's equally important for us To take care of our emotional health Our mental health ©Arni 8387 #Sad_Status #depression