Virtues like truth,love, kindness etc. are considered impractical and worthless in the contemporary world. But the truth is, there is nothing more practical and more valuable in the long run than inculcating these virtues. The fall of all the great civilizations tell us the same tale. The fall of the virtues always precede the fall of the civilization. The Greek, The Roman, The Egyptian,The Incas and The Aztecs, all have the same tale to tell. Even the eighth incarnation of Vishnu in the Hindu epic of Mahabharata had predicted that the Indian civilization will fall because of the fall of the virtues. Some societies acknowledge their fault and rise out of the ashes but some incorrigible societies never repent and blame it on the invaders.They never learn that virtues are the spine of a civilization. ©Bibhuprasad Biswal:Aesthete #Virtues