Looking through the flame, Mind decided to play a game, Before the candle melts, Let me think of someone else. Someone whom I've hurt, Covered my soul in dirt, To call him and apologize, And a new bond to reprise. Someone whom I loved secretly, Remind myself and speak clearly, Secret love is a sacred feeling, With purity and power of healing. Someone whom I felt jealous of, It's futile, move on of it well above, Evilness resides inside me, not him, Prick the bubbles of this skim. Someone who hurt me badly, Someone whom I loved madly, Madness of possessiveness is bitter, Condonement brings lost glitter. The candle burnt and melted, But with it, all my grievances ended. Candle A game with burning candle #AT3by30poems #aestheticthoughts #ATNaPoWriMo #NaPoWriMo #yqbaba #dkcshortpoem #poem #poetry