Me, myself, and I-- I am my own best friend And my worst enemy. In truth, I am also My most despicable critic. No one, except God, Can ever fathom The depths, of who I am; But, myself, alone. For, who am I with, anyway? Each day? Each night? Isn't it myself? Yes, people know me. They glean the good And bad, in me; Yet, they merely glimpse, The things, I show. In fact, those qualities Simply encompass The shallow parts, of me. The more intriguing aspects Are those, enshrouded, Deep within-- Snippets that fully fuel The holistic, individual me. "Me, Myself, And I" Thank you for the nomination, shivek sahni. This was a splendid topic, indeed. 💐💐 #relationwithmyself #selfknowledge #yqbaba