Why don't you move in reverse gear? Why can't we all live like Benjamin Button? With every year we shall grow younger and die as infants. May be that's what the pattern is. We unnecessarily pretend to behave like old and wise humans. Basically we all are children, waiting for one gift. Only with age worthiness of gift changes. Welcome to the day 8 of #YoLeWriMo or the YourQuote Letter Writing Month i.e. July. The only thing that's perpetually moving is time. We carry time with us as our age. Everyday, we get a little older than before. Age is like our reflection not in space but time. It has witnessed us grow along with itself and we celebrate its anniversary every year as much as we do our own. Like fates, it is interlinked but age both precedes us and succeeds us. The anniversary of age is celebrated for years after death and one starts counting days and months before a baby is born. Age is like our older, wiser, more silent sibling who just walks along with us from the beginning to the end. And afterwards. In your #letters today, write a note of love and belongingness to the concept of age. #DearAge #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba #benjaminbutton #ageisjustanumber #reverselife #letters