Lo! 'Tis thee, I glean, approaching-- The long-lost heart of my dreams. Perchance, now, thou shalt remain Far longer than the usual moments, Thou hast opted to come here. Aye, let's ride through the roads-- Beyond the mountains over yonder; Let's fly through the by-lines Of yesteryear's wondrous feats. Mayhap, 'tis an apt signal to discard The hurt--the ancient, bitter betrayal Between two foolish youths Who took so intimate an upfront-- Merely as a doltish jeer, 'twas meant. Nay, my dear, cease the erupting sneer-- Unsmear thy lovely eyes with choler. Let thy adoring bosom friend Make up for that erstwhile hate. For, I'm still that same auld companion, Thou used to know, so depthly. I'm still the lover, thou thought Thou lost, way before all these aches. Thus, here's my tiny peace offering To make thee dimple and cheer-- Another riveting joyride through life! "Reunion" Lo! 'Tis thee, I glean, approaching-- The long-lost heart of my dreams. Perchance, now, thou shalt remain Far longer than the usual moments, Thou hast opted to come here. Aye, let's ride through the roads--