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~ Bad Idea ~ Yup, the title, I deliberately cho

~ Bad Idea ~

 Yup, the title, I deliberately chose it to torture you tonight. I know you might be having a flash flood of several millions of decisions & ideas of the past that you whole heartedly took in the hope of changing your destiny & well fell flat on your face. Go on take your moment. I will be here, you know, just having my moment too. I am there too. 

Honestly, if I look back at my past self taking all those decisions, I would have the same expression I have when I chomp off a slice of ginger in my chicken curry. Yeah I hate you Ginger. It's not me.. it's clearly you. By the way the chicken curry I have is super amazing. 

Whether it was choosing who's gonna be your bff or choosing your college or choosing your majors or choosing your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner or choosing to be in constant hope of living in a fairyland, you know, the basic cringe fest of past selves, were all catastrophic. (If you are thinking, "well I don't belong to this list", then I gotta say one thing here, "bitch! who do you think you're lying to? Get in line, honey. Shits are about to be given)

You see when it comes to choosing we always choose the wrong one. And it's not just women, men too fall for it. Now if I conduct a poll, between Klaus & Elijah, it will be hands down Klaus. The bad boi. Just days ago, Lucifer's Season 5B was released on Netflix & I binged watched it within a few hours. The bad boi. Spoilers: Lucifer is the big guy now. Sorry couldn't control myself here.
~ Bad Idea ~

 Yup, the title, I deliberately chose it to torture you tonight. I know you might be having a flash flood of several millions of decisions & ideas of the past that you whole heartedly took in the hope of changing your destiny & well fell flat on your face. Go on take your moment. I will be here, you know, just having my moment too. I am there too. 

Honestly, if I look back at my past self taking all those decisions, I would have the same expression I have when I chomp off a slice of ginger in my chicken curry. Yeah I hate you Ginger. It's not me.. it's clearly you. By the way the chicken curry I have is super amazing. 

Whether it was choosing who's gonna be your bff or choosing your college or choosing your majors or choosing your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner or choosing to be in constant hope of living in a fairyland, you know, the basic cringe fest of past selves, were all catastrophic. (If you are thinking, "well I don't belong to this list", then I gotta say one thing here, "bitch! who do you think you're lying to? Get in line, honey. Shits are about to be given)

You see when it comes to choosing we always choose the wrong one. And it's not just women, men too fall for it. Now if I conduct a poll, between Klaus & Elijah, it will be hands down Klaus. The bad boi. Just days ago, Lucifer's Season 5B was released on Netflix & I binged watched it within a few hours. The bad boi. Spoilers: Lucifer is the big guy now. Sorry couldn't control myself here.