"SURVIVAL OF THE BEST" (Caption) Endless fields, verdant forests, bounteous seas, and resilient people--the endemic riches of this beauteous land. Flagrant colors and crisp zephyrs--the generous legacy of countless heroes, who fought for this abode. As I gaze on with these myopic eyes, I have, I rediscover the multitudinous reasons why full many a conquest has been enacted to conquer this kingdom. Swords and pens were used to avert complete denudation of local resources and utter subjugation of its rightful natives. Yet, current issues forestall the total re-institution of peace. For although, actual conquistadors have been successfully vanquished and driven offshores, the insistent perils of outside invasion is still imminent. Greed is a prevalent hazard--not only from foreign forces, but also from inhabitants who have that audacity to covet more than what they already own. What happens, now, to those who are naturally meek and weak? What future awaits those who don't have the wit and tools to fight for their rights? Or, those who are ignorant, even, about their lawful entitlements?