Adani-backed Ambuja Cement's officer arrested for bribery attempt in Odisha Rambhav Gattu was arrested for Rs 2 lakh alleged bribery attempt in Odisha, money hidden in box of sweets handed over to govt official The chief manufacturing officer of Ambuja Cement, Adani Group’s cement arm, has been arrested for allegedly attempting to bribe a government official. The Odisha Vigilance Directorate reported that Rambhav Gattu, who holds a senior role at the company’s operations in Chhattisgarh, was detained after offering a bribe of about Rs 2 lakh to Aditya Goyal, the collector of the Barghar region in Odisha. Rs 2 lakh bribe hidden in box of sweets According to the Vigilance Directorate, Gattu presented Goyal with a flower bouquet and a box of sweets, which was later found to contain Rs 2 lakh in cash. The incident occurred on Wednesday when Goyal, suspecting the package, asked his staff to open it, revealing four bundles of 500-rupees notes. The collector then informed vigilance authorities, leading to Gattu’s arrest on the spot. ©SHIRSENDU KARMAKAR #Adani #Ambuja_Cement