Sometimes to write something seems so heavy like a hill.You need a pen as sharp as chizel, strong thoughts as hammer,the efforts as needed in an incarnation and a write up as historic as a monument. But this does not happen and you end giving up as the pen you chose as chizel goes blunt, and the ink dries.The thoughts which you are stuck in,don't cooperate same as the hammer which has loosen its handle to make a good strike upon.The efforts you had put were in vain and the incarnation goes wrong.And at last you throw away the chizel & hammer and just keep on stating the hill stone like you are saying to it that may be, I am giving up now but will come again,will start from where I have stopped and will mold u into a beautiful piece of art. #yqbaba #incarnation #theinkslingers #thewriterjunction #theinkslingers