Good ripples through time and echoes happiness When you are sad, tensed and sitting in a corner, looking at the laptop & someone who once use to work in your team at some point of time comes to you and asks you, that "Satya, you look sad, what happened?, is everything alls well, please take care of yourself" And you try and look strong and say "Nah, alls well, my face has now permanently changed in to a stressed out look, but no everything is alright" and on top of that you try and put out a fake smile on your face. After some discussion the guy goes off from your seat, and you again soak in to your excel sheet. And then after office gets over, he pings you and just mentions that "Whatever might be the reason, but no matter what I'll be always your side" and you feel happiness. It generally doesn't happen that someone goes out of there way to make sure that you are alright, but when someone does, you try and remember what good did I possibly do in the old days that you are getting this love from someone, and you realize that probably, the work is not all that fake, and ugly and good ripples through time and echoes happiness. It re-confirms your faith in humanity and the face that yes, there are bad people and tough situations, but there are good ones too.