धर्मेण गमनमूर्ध्वं गमनधस्ताद्भवत्यधर्मेण । ज्ञानेन चापवर्गो विपर्य्यादिष्यते बंधः ।। 44 ।। It directly means : By virtue, ascent to higher planes, and by vice, descent to lower planes take place; by knowledge release is obtained while by the reverse of it (i.e. by ignorance) one gets bound. 【SEE CAPTION】 By following Virtue one attains to the Heaven and higher regions of Light etc. By vice, one goes to the nether regions such as bhutala etc*. Prakriti(प्रकृति) offers its experiences to the Purusha(पुरुष) only till such time as the discriminative knowledge is not brought about. When the knowledge of discrimination arises, the the prakriti ceases from ministering to the purusha who having fulfilled al his experiences, has become endowed with discriminative knowledge. That why it is said: 'The operation of prakriti last only till such time as the attainment of discriminative wisdom'. From the the reverse means from the wrong knowledge results bondage. This is three-fold; 1. Prakritikah - related to nature, 2. Vaikritika - evolutional and 3. dakshinaka - personal. Prakritika bondage is for those who mistake tge prakriti for the purusha and worship prakriti and contemplate upon it and not on purusha. This is the bondage resulting from nature. The purusha speaks about the men who absorbed in prakriti (Prakritilaya) after death. 'The contemplators of Avyakta(अव्यक्त) (the Unmanifest) continue to live a full hundred thousand years.' The vaikritika bondage results for those who contemplate only on the evolutes like the elements, the sense organ, the I―Principle and the Budhhi, identifying them with the purusha. The following has been said with regard to them: दशा मन्वन्तरानिहा तिष्ठन्तीन्द्रियाचिन्तकः । भौतिकास्तु शतं पुरुषं त्वाभिमानिक: ।। बौद्ध दश सहस्त्राणि तिष्ठन्ति विगतज्वारः । ते खळवामि विदेह: येषाम् वैकृतिको बंध: ।। 'Those who contemplate on the sense-organs live here for 10 Manavantaras.** Those who contemplate on elements live for one full hundred Manavantras; those who contemplate on I-Principle, live for a thousand, and those who contemplate on the Budhhi, live for ten thousand Manvantaras., free from all anxieties,' 'Those who labour under this vaikritika bondage are the Videhas.' The dakshanika bondage results from the performance of sacrifices, like the Istapurta(इष्टपूर्त) Ignorant of the purusha tatva(पुरुष तत्व), those who undertake charitable works with their minds influenced only by desire for personal gain, suffer from this bondage.