I saw an old man walking down the busy street. He was aimlessly dawdling about--just ambling. Oblivious to everything that was evolving. Searching, searching within him, for meaning. I saw an old man walking down the busy street. Alone. Far from those who loved him. Crying. Mayhap, he wishes for some comforting. Old Man, why the tears? What's happening? I saw an old man walking down the busy street. Writhing in pain—throttles himself, screaming. Possibly unaware of me, beside him, trying— Venturing to cease his incessant whining. I saw an old man walking down the busy street. He was muttering gibberish noise—grousing. Sauntering about, ignoring the gaggle shouting. Bam! The old man gets ran over by a car, a-passing. Thank you for the prompt, Bee Zee. I hope this is okay. 🙏🙏 #oldman #yqbaba