Tossing his extra large tee shirt he smiled. But I have to to undress to wear this, I whimpered to his amused smile. Are you ashamed, he asked. No no of course not I replied. A sense of excitement engulfed me as I started undressing in his presence. Down to my lingerie he stopped me and started to undo the camisole his hands mapping the contours of my heaving breasts. I almost fainted in anticipation of what was coming. ♥️English Erotica Microtale (for age 21+) Dear writer ..upload erotica / romantical quote on Instagram and tag tanharaatein09 for worldwide appreciation and publicity.. 💐I GulnaaR...WELCOME you to our page of passion Tanha Raatein . 💐Let's unveil the dark passion stories of our lonely nights boldly..