There are certain season of our lives when it can feel like God is not listening. We can picture this barrier, a fortress built by the sorrows of life or our own doubting hearts - a wall off which our prayers seem to bounce. God can feel terribly far away. When we are deep in grief,in pain, in trials, or in the chains of sin, it's easy to believe the lie: God will not come here. There are the times when we need to grasp into what we know is true. There are certain season of our lives when it can feel like God is not listening. We can picture this barrier, a fortress built by the sorrows of life or our own doubting hearts - a wall off which our prayers seem to bounce. God can feel terribly far away. When we are deep in grief,in pain, in trials, or in the chains of sin, it's easy to believe the lie: God will not come here. There are the times when we need to grasp into what we know is true. #CalmingNature #godlove #God #feel #nature #life #Expresses #thought #poet #Quote