Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

We're going into a miscible world, even with a mod

We're going into a miscible world,
even with a modernist culture which seems odd.
Truth is painful, therefore lies are told.
Crimes are getting newer as we become old. Welcome to the day 27 of #YoPoDiMo or the YourQuote Poetry Diversity Month i.e. September.

Today, I'm once again giving you a topic. Write a #freeverse on #gettingold. #gettingoldpoem

#poemtime #yqspecial    #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba #reality
We're going into a miscible world,
even with a modernist culture which seems odd.
Truth is painful, therefore lies are told.
Crimes are getting newer as we become old. Welcome to the day 27 of #YoPoDiMo or the YourQuote Poetry Diversity Month i.e. September.

Today, I'm once again giving you a topic. Write a #freeverse on #gettingold. #gettingoldpoem

#poemtime #yqspecial    #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba #reality