My life's hanging, tip toe balanced, Oh man the shit I am going through, needs expression, Although a happy soul, but I write to defeat depression, My lady, you showed me the way outta angst, Cuz I got an overflow of molten emotions, Holding hard against all odds like situation, My arts the best way I know so far to narrate em, Cuz out here its me vs rains n floods oh I wont shut up.. I am an OBSTINATE who's not OBSOLETE.. I don't PROCRASTINATE.. I NAIL THE SHIT.. Ohhh you RAIN.. Your Not Forever BITXH.. I just WAIT.. under your MENACE.. A Silent BEAST.. AWAITS.. When clouds no more vapor but a BREEZE.. THAT'S where I'll Show ya how is it to BREATHE.. Me vs Mumbai's part 1. Rain(Evolution) ... (Preface) #Rain #riseofphoenix #blunttruth #reinvent #nojotoEnglish #NojotoEnglish #stormofphoenix #freestylerap #rapper #unstoppable #rap #heartfealt #keepitreal