जब तक ना डूबोगे इश्क के समंदर में, तुम इश्क की गहराई कैसे जान पाओगे, इश्क मुकम्मल हुआ तो, जन्नत पा जाओगे, वरना फिर दोबारा कभी दिल ना लगाओगे। Guys So Here Is The Prompt For "Every Day Contest" Day-7.. So this Is The Prompt For Hindi Participants....... Instructions For This Two liner Challenge Are: 1.U Have To Complete This Challenge till Midnight 8 p.m. Or We Can Say Deadline: 8 p.m Today.... 2.Now the Participants Who had their names in list ,No Problems, Who Doesn't had their name ,But still wonna participate they can participate Either in Hindi Or English ,But Marks will be deducted Beacuse u are parcipating Like wild Card entery.and if we dont deduct marks then it is unfair for the Participants Who had Their name in the list ,because they had Takecare of time and Deadline, And given their name Before... 3.Results will Be Announced Till mid night.. 4.Plss The participants Who participating in English Has to take Part only in English for A Week ,If we see your Collab on Both Hindi and English Then u are Directly Disqualified For A week .....