You said, you'd hunt me down to my grave if I ever expose the monster who lives inside you to torture my outsides. So, I remained shut and silent for a long period of time, long enough that my scars eventually healed and my self respect vanished or better died. Somehow I learned to satisfy myself with the fact that may be living with you or better dying bit by bit is good for our kids. I learned to suffer and surrender to the monster who, over the years, not for once felt guilty of his crimes. I learned to embrace the daily murder of my happiness and I was learning more until one day, our daughter called and judging from her voice I knew she was sobbing. She said - "Mom he hits me everyday after I've given birth to my daughter, but I can't come home for I have to learn to live for her like you did for me." That day I looked back to the time when I should've stood up against you even if that could've sent me to my death for my death might have left her weak for a while but now my survival has made her forever handicapped. And when she finally gathered guts to speak truth to her husband, she realised it's too late. #YourQuote #YQbaba #yqtales #hunt #BoostThyself.