Don't let me go! (Read full piece in caption 👇) We fought for days. This fight is little serious than others. Because we didn't talk for a month. " Why should I talk?" Egoistic attitude has been overruling me for days. But still I missed him in each of my moves. I craved for his presence in my works. That was a dusky evening , he came and hugged me and said ," I miss you idiot! Let's go for a ride!". I was totally wordless. I sat behind his back in his bike. I felt like world is under my feet. We don't know the destination. But we traveled miles that day. We crossed woody forest, where he has been my cosy blanket. We travelled through lakes, where he was my words of poetry. We crossed hills, where he was my cup of love. I realised, that egos don't need more time to break. It just needs few seconds. He stopped in the midst of mountains. We sat beside each other. I whispered in his ears, "Don't let me go away from you!"✨💜 Rival - Karthiga Kumar #qsknockoutsr2 #qsknockouts #quotestitchers