As the leg start HURTING, Overpractice may be, A minor INJURY, But thats not what I am in, So Yea, just for sake of RESTING, I took a break from walking, Sat on the roadside and ket OBSERVING, All appears boring until a jeep drives in, The color is dark green, oh damn IT BELONGS TO INDIAN Army, With two officers on front seats.. RED LIGHT SIGNAL, 45 Seconds they'd be waiting.. Feeling goosebumps, couldn't hold back, as if got a rush of adrenaline.. Just stood up.. Limping yet marching, Went straight to them..WITH GRATITUDE FILLED DEEP, TOLD THEM "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE" Felt a tear rolling in, Gave them MY Drumsticks, Besides the noisy surroundings.. But we were quiet, yet there was an understanding, Both the officers shook hands with me, Damn the signal went green, damn they are bound to leave, AND NOW I AM OUTTA WORDS, SO EVEN I AM WINDING. ONCE AGAIN "THANK YOU INDIAN ARMY" #NojotoQuote #nojoto #nojotoevery #nojotoEnglish #army #indianarmy #military #greatindia #grattitude, #humble #patriots #nationaldefenseacademy #captain #guardians #protectors #nation #defense #lieutinent #martyrs #salute #sacrifice #pulwama