Loosing weight- Introspection the key
"Ohh, Look at you!", "What have you turned into?" these become probably the most heard, when you happen to gain some extra lbs, some even make fun of you. Relax, this is nobody's business rather yours. Believe me, you are the one who is going to fix this all.
These days Google is the best friend. You put anything into that tiny box ranging from an idea to a problem, it will definitely give you some solutions. It can tell you hundreds of ways to kiss your BF/GF. But, what happens, when you get bombarded with solutions? You end up into a confused state of mind. At this point of time, you are more puzzled. In fact, you start losing interest and let the things go on as they were.
You ask people around you, and they are always full of suggestions, ideas, methods butt the end of the day, they do not interest you because most of them are really weird. People tell you how to lose weight over night and for that they ask you to do some herculean task.
My friends, Obesity is really something to be worried about. You get tired soon because it is difficult for your body to breathe faster. You find yourself lazy all the time because your body weight is always an obstacle into your movement. People with obesity are prone to certain diseases. If we start counting disadvantages of obesity, it will never be possible for me to finish this post.
Let me come to the point. Have you ever thought why have you turned into such a shape? Look at your past when you were fit. What has changed in last few years? How have you changed your eating habits? What has been your sleeping pattern?
Make a list. We will tackle each and every factor. #Fitness