The one who puts me in her stomach for 9 months, The one who gave me birth in this beautiful world, The one who takes care of mine, The one who worried for me , The one who always love me, The one who always takes stands for me, The one who always be on time for me, The one who once scold me but at last gives me a lots of love to me, The one who cooks good food for me, The one who always wake up early in the morning for me, The one who first taste everything then after she feeds me, The one who always wake up till midnight for taking care of mine, The one who always keep supporting me, The one who always pray for wellfare of mine, She is the one who always be smiling even in her bad time also, She is the one who always being the first n the last but at the end she is the one who is the super hero of every one... She is best and she will be best in the whole world.... I love you MOM.... #merimaa#caringmom#lovingmom#queenofhome#bestmomintheworld#surya22