"I said yes." "Yes?" "Yes, yes". "How did he propose?" "In the rain.." "OMG, in the rain. How romantic." "Listen to the full story please. It was drizzling when we saw each other first time. It was a downpour when we were on our third date." "Quite a rainy story." "Listen......" "And yesterday.." "It was torrential." "Yes, it was when I went to pick him up." "And?" "We were stuck. And somehow found a shelter on a roadside tea stall. We had tea." "Then?" "He asked, "Can we walk together in all the rains of life?"" "You said yes." "I said it's yes if he will by heart all my rain poems. And he said yes, and I said yes." ❤️❤️ #microtale #lovestory #rainystory #love #walkingtogether #throughthickandthin #nomatterwhat #grishmastories