Dear ...... And she went blank in her head not knowing what to write further. Her emotions and words had often played hide and seek with her. But this time it was unusual. He was her everything in the most unconventional way. Yet, she felt completely disconnected from him this time around without even knowing the reason for it. She was lost and had no clue how this tide will turn out for her. Numbness was seeping in and pushing her deep in her shell. Silence had taken over. She was going down the memory lane and trying to relive every possible memory, hoping it would bring her back to life. But the only thing living was the stream of crushed hopes and dreams flowing down her cheeks. She was about to wipe them when a little hand tugged at her. She looked down and saw her other life with innocent eyes staring at her. The little one had saved her... Yet again. Angel!! #yqtales #yqbaba #life #moments #memories #YoProWriMo