A pompous little beast approached me, One lazy morning, And dared question who I am. I peered down my bulbous nose at him-- Expecting him to scram. Yet, the ornery maggot Stared back at me, unflinchingly, As if he so desired to unravel the mystery. So, I indulged his audacity And aimed to scare The tiny nuisance away from my vicinity; I huffed and I puffed-- Anticipating blasts of petrifying fire To toast the grating flea. To my surprise--as much as his, I think-- All that came out was a sputtering squeak. So, the irksome creature guffawed, Unabashedly, and pestered me, Despite all that's meek and holy. Hence, I sprinted, abruptly-- Hoping to end his pestilential glee; Still, here I am-- Convincing the gods to end this agony. "Troll" (c) Pinterest Photo. #troll #diwa #yqbaba