News & Meme ------------------- People get carried away by both but there's huge difference between the two. In today's digital world, it is indeed difficult to differentiate between the truth and the fake. There's no mechanism except the fact that each individual do little background check before posting or sharing any piece of information. Similarly people consider memes as news info and unfortunately news remains as meme. If Everything we heard & seen was true & accurate. Nobody would have been hurt or disheartened...!!! It’s difficult to see the bare truth, when gossip is spread without proof. You Sift information in the Age of Wikipedia. Where there is an Overload of truth & Fiction. Indeed Nothing is Crosschecked..!! #WhenNewsisinfestedWithViews #SatireThought #FakeMedia #MisInformation #MediaReality #MisGuided #WhatIsTruth #RealitySucks