Three decade history of oxygen production in India. Oxygen tonnage plants have taken over 99% market therby created the dependency on them. Small size Air seperation units mfg. cost were marginally high but the cut throat rates offered by giants have dismantled these plants. Govt excise rebate of 1.5cr also is withdrawn has added fuel to fire. Regulation that ASU ( 2-4 tonne/day) only for medical has also discouraged these plants as this had made them more unviable. PSA plants now being installed shall consume 50% more power as well being bought at 3-4 times capital cost. PSA are not offering storage as well testing as per ip. Purity 93% instead of desired 99%, undesired impuritues are not tested. 162+551 = 713 PSA plants shall become unviable soon due to high power cost, low purity, zero storage, unattended impurities. - Ashok Mangal, Concerned Citizen of India ©Ashok Mangal #oxygen #OxygenCrisis #AaveshVaani #corona