Freedom There was a time, when life was a burden, To live, and now I just chill over wisdom, Test flights in a strive to fly far from the noise, From worlds black to white been my Choice, Nerves of steel run through my brain, My Reprisal was a chain reaction chained, To my DNA, an explosion to break off from blood lane, I was born when sane got hazed by insane, Oh now it all looks like some evidence To the hell, leads a Highway, What a bad split shades, Black went White, Fuck Grey, Bullseye into the Freedom, White to Black, Checkmate... #Freedom #riseofphoenix #reinvent #stormofphoenix #freestylerap #rapper #unstoppable #NojotoApp #NojotoEnglish #NojotoStory #storytelling #Poetry #nojotoevery #nojotoEnglish #Monster #beastmode #artist #Mad #OutOfControl