Everyone knows the proverb "garbage in , garbage out " same is the functionality of universe Whatever we will give to universe it will come back to us sooner or later... What is the purpose of lives what is the use of techniques why we are here ... every answer is hidden behind the light of universe When we see the world during our sadness we think everyone is happy except me... same when we visit hospital we used to forget everything there it seems everyone is ill ... noone is healthy so all about our houghts and desires universe has a power to control all .... we are there because it is there ... we shouldn't put garbage (negativity) when we have a desire to get good things (positivity)... speak out what you are ready to hear for you do what you can bear when same thing comes to you try to not be a reason for someone's curse... someone's tear.... universe will give you exactly what you give out... #Functions_of_Universe #functionality #nojotoquotesforall #nojotowritersclub #nojotoenglish #anshulathakur #positivethoughts #staypositive #do_good_have_good