There are wounds, That heal and Get erased, with

There are wounds,
That heal and 
Get erased, with time. 
Yet, there are scars,
That stay imprinted--
Dried up and innocuous,
As they appear;
But, one poke at them;
And, they begin, 
All over, again--
The hurt, the longing, 
The agony, the tears. "Trauma"

#trauma #wound #scar #yqbaba
There are wounds,
That heal and 
Get erased, with time. 
Yet, there are scars,
That stay imprinted--
Dried up and innocuous,
As they appear;
But, one poke at them;
And, they begin, 
All over, again--
The hurt, the longing, 
The agony, the tears. "Trauma"

#trauma #wound #scar #yqbaba


New Creator