He extended an olive branch, Which I wanted to hold on to, But stopped myself cause of some promises, Couldn't stop thinking about the branch, All day, all afternoon, all evening, all nights, Everyday I wished he pulled the branch back, So I won't be tempted to break my promise and hold on to it, I am scared at the same time as I am tempted, Scared that the olive branch will turn out to be a rose branch once I hold onto it, A rose branch filled with thorns, But everytime that thought comes to my mind, I remember that with the rose branch filled with thorn comes a rose, A rose with petals soft as silk, So maybe, holding on to that olive branch won't be so bad... But as its said...prevention is better than cure, So I guess holding on to the olive branch won't be the option I opt for... #olivebranch #rosebranch #rosepetals #softassilk p.c- www.google.com