I replied rudely and I myself was feeling very bad. And I realised now it is so difficult to stop talking with him. I cann't live without talking to him. That day I Realized Life is so unfair,,,you have to choose one thing out of those two which you love so much. But I couldn't stop myself to talk to him ,,I just feel Like I am in heaven when I talk to him. I talked to him even more than his real future life partner,,,And He also used to say--> Riya sometime it seems Like you will be my wife. Leaving him is like being Separated from my soul but it was necessary and even more for him. One day He asked --> give me a promiss you will always be my Friend. I replied --> 1st you have to promise me that You will never disrespect your wife ,, You will not hide anything to her ,,you have to tell everything about you even about me. And you will always try to work hard to be a successful person. I knew it one day I will leave him but still I Promissed him. and finally now it is turn to go out of his life that is not easy for me,,I first time tried to stop talking him and I would be able to stop myself for 26 days only After 26th day I called him and Asked about preparation his marriage. He got angry and upset why I am not talking to him now but he Understands, so he never Showed his feelings and always talked me with huge respect and love. I frequently used to get angry with him ,,I frequently talked rudely but he never did so. #incompletelovestory-11