getting counterproductive, the desired results elude as no one listens to no one and want to discredit everyone. The bad drives away the good from the market that is the whole wide world. A medium of ideas, opinions and information, the internet is a space that we now use to raise social awareness. Not everyone is disengaging with the issues plaguing our society, or just complacently sharing articles. It's perfectly alright to get your voice out there in some capacity. But there are people who use social media activism to further their narrow self-interests, and even worse, spew hatred through misinformation. The result of which, is out there for all of us to see. We must do better if we want to build a future that is fair. We must do better than to settle for the complacency of keyboard activism. Actions like reasoning with our families and friends, helping people mobilise resources for those in need, are what bring about real change, however small they seem. #collabwithdnd and share your views about the same.