How could you just take credit For someone's hard

How could you just take credit
For someone's hard work
How could you claim as yours
The painstaking effort of another
Don't you feel even a pinch of guilt
Being praised for another's work
A praise for a single bad line 
That you have written
Is way more valuable
Than getting accolades 
For the work of others
Do you really feel happy inside
Throw away this habit
And start writing dear ones
It is never too late to change #yqbaba#copycats#plagiarism
choti pencil  Vikas Singh Rajput
How could you just take credit
For someone's hard work
How could you claim as yours
The painstaking effort of another
Don't you feel even a pinch of guilt
Being praised for another's work
A praise for a single bad line 
That you have written
Is way more valuable
Than getting accolades 
For the work of others
Do you really feel happy inside
Throw away this habit
And start writing dear ones
It is never too late to change #yqbaba#copycats#plagiarism
choti pencil  Vikas Singh Rajput

Durga Kannan

New Creator