About Words of Rhyming It's All About Thoughts Ti

About Words of Rhyming 
It's All About Thoughts Timing  Welcome to the day 21 of #YoReWriMo or the YourQuote Remix Writing Month i.e March.

Today is World Poetry Day. On World Poetry Day, UNESCO wants to give an opportunity to the endangered languages to express themselves as well as about their culture with the help of this medium.

Write a poem on what #apoemisnot. #poemtime #worldpoetryday  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba
About Words of Rhyming 
It's All About Thoughts Timing  Welcome to the day 21 of #YoReWriMo or the YourQuote Remix Writing Month i.e March.

Today is World Poetry Day. On World Poetry Day, UNESCO wants to give an opportunity to the endangered languages to express themselves as well as about their culture with the help of this medium.

Write a poem on what #apoemisnot. #poemtime #worldpoetryday  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba