Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Now that love cannot walk out of the door, it dec

Now that love cannot walk 
out of the door,
it decide to now take a rest.
Rest to heal the wound of past,
to strengthen its guards.
Rest to restart the new journey,
with more powerful cards.
 Day 2 of #napowrimo 
With #lovecannotwalkout
#secondday #yqbaba #yqqoutes #poemtime
Now that love cannot walk 
out of the door,
it decide to now take a rest.
Rest to heal the wound of past,
to strengthen its guards.
Rest to restart the new journey,
with more powerful cards.
 Day 2 of #napowrimo 
With #lovecannotwalkout
#secondday #yqbaba #yqqoutes #poemtime

Neha Kumari

New Creator