Chanda Kochhar receiving in 2011, the very coveted Padma Bhushan from Pratibha Patil, the then President of nation. She is possibly the first woman to be the CEO of an Indian Bank. And strange enough, she will possibly be the first person to be stripped off her #padmabhushan award soon. Besides, ICICI Bank has decided to claw back all the ESOPS and bonuses given to Chanda Kochhar during April 2009 March 2018. This totals to a whopping Rs 350 crore. She has been a member of the Prime Minister's Council on Trade & Industry, the Board of Trade, and the High-Level Committee on Financing Infrastructure. She was co-chairperson of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in 2011. Having been accused of criminal conspiracy in loans to Videocon Industries Ltd, she has now been arrested. No one knows when the tide of time slaps so vigorously that one is pulled down from Zenith to Nadir (32f2fR). But quite often, it's due to one's own misdeeds. ©@gyanendra #kukku2004 Ayushi Agrawal