WHAT A DAYS THOSE WERE... What a days those were. What a days those were. Amidst the huts, my legs saw no stop. With a gang of pure giggles we used to ran until we reached the barbershop. Anxiety of evenings in the mornings excites. Doom-daam is how we used to make the evening, although sometimes it ends up with a silly fights. What a days those were. What a days those were. Early mornings wake is what that disturbed. Waked up for a thought of remained as perturbed. Daily assignments and boring classes, we were surrounded with. Later,the truth of making memories lied beneath. What a days those were. What a days those were. Childhood lost, Ready to buy it with any cost. Days of innocence, forever remained as an absence. Atleast, I am remained with the snaps that will remain as the snaps perhaps. What a days those were. What a days those were. - CHINNA Everyone's childhood.. #childhood #life #love #memories #friends #world #iandyou