Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Featuring #testimonial to Dimpy's Thoughts

      Featuring #testimonial to Dimpy's Thoughts


A mother who wants their girl child to be born but the husband don't want.A girl who want to see how beautiful the world is. A brother who has dreams to see her sister with whom he play with,fight,and talk with her.Specially the rakshabandhan festival,Who will tie rakhi on his hand? The society who hates when the girl is born in any family.But why people think about the society.Its their life so its their decision.

If you want mother,wife,daughter in law, so why you don't want daughters?  why there is so much discrimination between girls and boys?  As we all know that all are equal. All have right to birth in this beautiful world.So you don't want girls to be born?
      Featuring #testimonial to Dimpy's Thoughts


A mother who wants their girl child to be born but the husband don't want.A girl who want to see how beautiful the world is. A brother who has dreams to see her sister with whom he play with,fight,and talk with her.Specially the rakshabandhan festival,Who will tie rakhi on his hand? The society who hates when the girl is born in any family.But why people think about the society.Its their life so its their decision.

If you want mother,wife,daughter in law, so why you don't want daughters?  why there is so much discrimination between girls and boys?  As we all know that all are equal. All have right to birth in this beautiful world.So you don't want girls to be born?

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