I wished it to be a colossal passion, But it was an imprint Of the footsteps on the shore. Which got vanished With the wind of discord, A tie betwixt the bodies Was what subsist. Which I expected to be a union of souls. Yeah it was ardour withūtan a soupçon of amour a love saga with paucity of affection. An epitome of Hatred. *Emotional Marathon* Hey, Restzonians! We have a quick surprise for you. We are yet again with a game. This time it will be short and sweet.😁 Only for one day. No registrations, nothing. Just write away! So, here is the pattern: ••Rest Zone will write one side of the background conveying an emotion and you writers will have to collab with us, either countering our emotion or writing on the same theme as ours. ••Like, if we write on love, you can write on hatred or love. It is upto you.