I thought i could sing But than stopped as i saw audience cringe Than i took up to playing flute It was so bad that they kept me on mute So i laid my hands on guitar I played it equally horrible yaar A friend suggested a violin I played it so bad it was committing a sin Boy i thought i should learn saxaphone God i could hear the please shut up wala groan Frustated i went to the store Lo behold i saw a thing beautiful to the core I immediately fell in love with it It is the drums and the drum beat Do u know Mans first musical kit God has put in him is his heart and heartbeat Everyrhing in nature has beats The raindrops the sea, or the lightning that hits I have a different playing style Whenever i play, it gets audience to smile I make them dance, i get them to swing Away from their daily routine I add a different zing The drums have always been part of our rich heritage You will find them mentioned from Harrapan to Present stage Playing drums is not only my happiness it is my passion It gives me a feeling of dejavu a sense of satisfaction #drums