#IndiaFightsCorona Whatever fame or shame we heard it's nothing matters. The only work that is getting it's output at the cost of people life and death is directly effected by the tremendous service provided by corona virus. We can't neglect anything of that. I don't know those people who are baised towards money, they are never known as warriors but they are the most kind of moneymakers and i would not like to write about them. This is special day for all the nurses who are doing their job, it's not less then the worldly most precious gesture. It's the humanity and the great message of humanity they are giving to the world by their life breath taking work. A great salute to them!! a salute to our hardworking &dedicated doctors doing their bestest best to save their work!! A pretty proud grand salute to our Police!! A most kind grand salute to our cleaning staff when everyone stayed at home they did the sanitization to keep us & our surrounding safe!!! -from a writer's pen ©poeticdivanew #indiafightagainstcorona #NoMoreCorona #IndiaFightsCorona